[Python-ideas] Conventions for Function Annotations

dag.odenhall at gmail.com dag.odenhall at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 05:32:42 CEST 2011

On 8 August 2011 05:01, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:03 AM, dag.odenhall at gmail.com
> <dag.odenhall at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Dag,
>>> Are you currently using annotations? Could you post some of the cool
>>> usages that you are making of annotations? The explicit plan with
>>> annotations (read PEP 3107) was that significant use should precede
>>> the creation of conventions for use. So please don't wait until a
>>> convention has been established -- go ahead and have fun with them,
>>> and let us know what you are doing with them!
>> I'm toying with them for adaptation, interfaces and dependency
>> injection from a component registry. Each use is about type constants,
>> but not necessarily in the vein of static type checking, which I think
>> stands to show their strengths and "Pythonicity".
>> I do kinda think there's some need of informal conventions,
>> examplified by Mathias post: his decorator sets the 'raises' key,
>> effectively making "raises" a reserved keyword in function arguments
>> using the decorator!
> So far, the general approach has been for annotations to be paired
> with decorator APIs, such that there is a cleaner less repetitive
> syntax that relies on function annotations and a more general (but
> more verbose) approach that uses arguments to a decorator factory.
> That approach seems to work well, with the latter API used to handle
> cases where a developer wants to use more than one annotation based
> decorator on a single function. The general principle is that any
> decorator that can use argument annotations should have an alternate
> decorator factory based API that can be used when necessary (usually
> either because the annotations are being used for something else or
> because the function being decorated is an existing one from another
> library that doesn't have any relevant annotations at all).

Or, not even an explicit decorator: it's often useful to embed
instructions without runtime side-effects, such as with venusian and
its use in Pyramid for @view_config and config.scan(). I use
annotations like that for functions as adapter factories without a
global registry. Similarly an interface definition might treat all
methods as abstract with type hints without requiring a decorator like

> Using the annotation namespace to store arbitrary metadata doesn't
> seem like a good idea at all. It is better to use the function
> attribute namespace for that kind of thing - don't forget about the
> old tools just because there is a shiny new tool to play with.
>> Some convention for annotating 'yield' may still be useful though,
>> although one alternative convention could use some form of
>> "parametrized types" and the return annotation: foo() ->
>> Iterator[tuple]. Now we just need to add this to ABCMeta. *cough* ;)
> Why not just use the return field on the generator function as is? The
> return type of calling something for which
> 'inspect.isgeneratorfunction(x)' is true is always going to be
> 'generator', so the return annotation is unlikely to be referring
> directly to that.

I think Armin Ronacher said generator detection is unreliable, but in
any case, it seems perhaps more Pythonic to rely only on the
iterator/iterable protocol rather than specifically generators.
"Iterator[tuple]" for example would match dict.items().

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