[Python-ideas] Make all keywords legal as an identifier

Sérgio Surkamp sergio at gruposinternet.com.br
Mon Apr 25 21:53:19 CEST 2011

> For names that are not attributes, only one syntax change is needed:
> let a dot precede any identifier.
>  > .with = 3

Why don't you use underscore instead of a dot?

_with = 3

.:'        `     Sérgio Surkamp | Gerente de Rede
::    ........   sergio at gruposinternet.com.br
`:.        .:'
  `:,   ,.:'     *Grupos Internet S.A.*
    `: :'        R. Lauro Linhares, 2123 Torre B - Sala 201
     : :         Trindade - Florianópolis - SC
     ::          +55 48 3234-4109
     '           http://www.gruposinternet.com.br

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