[Python-ideas] stdlib upgrades

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Mon Jun 7 17:41:17 CEST 2010

Bruce Frederiksen wrote:
> Or perhaps:
>   from experimental import new_module
> This is kind of a guarantee that the interface will change; since at 
> some point, if new_module is "calcified", this will have to be changed 
> to just:
>   import new_module
> For experimental language features, maybe:
>   from __experimental__ import new_feature
> This makes it clear that new_feature may change (perhaps even not be 
> adapted?), vs the from __future__ semantics.
> Is it too complicated to try to differentiate between the decision of 
> whether some capability will be provided or not, vs ironing out the API 
> for that capability?
> For example,
>   from experimental import new_capability
> means that there is no commitment for new_capability at all -- it may 
> simply be dropped entirely.  The danger of using this is that 
> new_capability may simply disappear completely with no replacement.
> While,
>   from proposed import new_capability
> represents a commitment that new_capability will be provided at some 
> point, but the API will likely change.  Here the danger of using it is 
> that you will likely have to change your program to conform to a new API.
A proposal isn't a commitment. It can still be rejected.

> A capability might start as "experimental", and if the value of it is 
> demonstrated, move to "proposed" to work out the details before 
> mainstreaming it.

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