[Python-ideas] clear() method for lists

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 16:01:34 CET 2010

On 11 February 2010 14:51, Gerald Britton <gerald.britton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Say you had a problem where you started with a basic tuple, then
> needed to add items to it to produce some result.  Now suppose you
> want to do that repeatedly.  You don't want to disturb the basic
> tuple, so you make a copy of it before extending it.
> e.g.
>>>> country = ("US",)
>>>> country_state = tuple(country)+("NY",)
>>>> country_state_city = tuple(country_state) + ("NY",)
>>>> country
> ('US',)
>>>> country_state
> ('US', 'NY')
>>>> country_state_city
> ('US', 'NY', 'NY')
> if tuple() had a copy() method, I could write:
> country_state = country.copy() + ("NY",)
> etc.

You do know that tuples are immutable, don't you?

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>>> country = ("US",)
>>> country_state = country+("NY",)
>>> country_state_city = country_state + ("NY",)
>>> country
>>> country_state
('US', 'NY')
>>> country_state_city
('US', 'NY', 'NY')

It sounds like you could do with reading the Python documentation a
bit more closely before proposing changes...


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