[Python-ideas] A common configuration file standard for the stdlib + configparser (or replacer) new API

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 23:55:18 CET 2010

On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Tarek Ziadé <ziade.tarek at ...> writes:
>> This file would be located in the "data" path returned by the install
>> scheme (see sysconfig.py for details)
>> so roughly : in sys.prefix for the global one, and in ~/.local/ for
>> the local per-user one.
> I think it has already been discussed that it's not really the right place for
> configuration files.  sys.prefix is wrong for that, as well as ~/.local.

I am not discussing the right place for those file (e.g. if a better
place exists, this will have to be dealt in sysconfig). I am just
giving an example of a local/global place that we would use with
Python *today* if this file
is considered as a 'data' file.

IOW, we could always add a path in Python install schemes for defining
the right place for configuration
file, and then use it in the idea I am presenting.  (and I think its a
good idea)

> If Python needs to have a notion of a standard path for config files, it should
> be something separate from the "data" path.
>> The files would be a configparser ini-like file, with one mandatory
>> section that is the name of the package or
>> module in the stdlib the filename
> Why such a constraint? Isn't the name of the file sufficient?



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