[Python-ideas] Small enhancement to os.path.splitext

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 17:12:48 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Mike Meyer
<mwm-keyword-python.b4bdba at mired.org> wrote:

> Right. I'm talking about the case where the developer knows he wants
> case sensitivity.

And can therefore call a different library function, or pass an
optional flag argument.

> In that case, you have to know whether or not the
> file system is case sensitive to know whether or not "file.c" would
> get opened if the application tried to open "file.C".

uhm ... Why?

If it would, there really isn't any way to tell what the "real" name
is ... or do you just mean that it should cease to be case-sensitive
in exactly those cases where file.c is file.C, as a way of breaking
less than it otherwise would?


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