[Python-ideas] adding digital signature and encryption "hashes" to hashlib?

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Sep 22 21:23:21 CEST 2009

CTO <debatem1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> If you don't know what the application is, you don't know what's
> secure and what isn't. We have no way of knowing, and so should resist
> the temptation to guess.

"secure" is not the same as "strongly encrypted".  I'm looking at
providing a simple way to do encryption here, not security.  Let's just
focus on that, first.  I think defaulting to Blowfish or AES256 would be
a reasonable tack to take there.  I suggested AES256 because it seems
to me more likely to be widely available.

> AFAIK, AES and RSA are the most commonly used algorithms in EVP.
> Maybe it would make more sense to take the more traditional
> keygen-encrypt-decrypt approach?

Sure, maybe so.  What would a proposed interface look like, then?


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