[Python-ideas] 80 character line width vs. something wider

Aaron Rubin aaron.rubin at 4dtechnology.com
Thu May 21 22:45:49 CEST 2009

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Jess Austin <jess.austin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 1:01 PM,  Aaron Rubin
> <aaron.rubin at 4dtechnology.com> wrote:
> > subjective ones.  Arguing over *how* to break lines is actually a pretty
> > strong argument that time is wasted spent on such issues.  A longer line
> > width would reduce these arguments, since less would need to be wrapped.
> This is an unsupported, and IMHO largely incorrect, assumption.
> Several correspondents have noted that they most often overrun their
> intended line length by one or two characters.  Just as there's
> nothing magical about the number "80", there's nothing magical about
> "81" or "82" either.  In a regime of 90-character lines, the limit
> will most often be exceeded by one or two characters.  The same will
> happen in a regime of 100-character lines, etc.  We'll still need to
> break lines, and wrapping them in parentheses will still be the best
> way to do that.

How can you argue that it wouldn't create *less* line wrapping?   According
to your argument having 10,000 character width lines wouldn't create less
line wrapping either.  Nobody ever said it would eliminate it, just reduce

> This sentiment reminds me of those road-construction enthusiasts who
> are always certain that the _next_ newly-built highway will end
> traffic jams forever.  What happens instead is that the new road fills
> with cars too, and it still takes forever to get to work.
> cheers,
> Jess
> ps. ride a bike!
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