[Python-ideas] Default arguments in Python - the return - running out of ideas but...

Pascal Chambon chambon.pascal at wanadoo.fr
Mon May 18 22:53:11 CEST 2009

Terry Reedy a écrit :
> Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
>> 1. Preventing the "noob" mistake of saying "def f(x = {})" and
>> expecting that a new empty dictionary will be produced for each call,
>> and
> As a couple of us have suggested, this, like similar jobs, should be 
> handled by program checkers.  I leave it to someone else to see if 
> existing programs already check and warn and, if not, suggest this to 
> their authors.

Indeed, Pylint does handle this in some way :

"W0102: *Dangerous default value %s as argument*
  Used when a mutable value as list or dictionary is detected in a
default value
  for an argument."

Some have talked about thunks or other concepts here ; I too feel that
this issue could be the occasion of introducing new features, that
exceed the scope of default arguments.
Could you peopel develop a little what you think about with "thunk" or 
"early action" ? Is the former different from an argument-less lambda 
function ?

Else, concerning the syntax for "dynamic" default arguments, I guesse 
somethng like :

def func(a, b @= []):

would be OK, wouldn't it ?


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