[Python-ideas] Coloured documentation

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Wed May 6 21:44:58 CEST 2009

Sridhar Ratnakumar schrieb:
> On 09-05-06 06:55 AM, Konrad Delong wrote:
>> The documentation underhttp://docs.python.org/  could have different
>> colour schemes for Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1 and so on. This way
>> one would know on sight which docs one's reading.
> Good idea, although I'd rather have a vertical bar instead of color 
> schemes. For example, the vertical bar here,
>    http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/PER-xpath-functions-20090421/
> that reads "W3V Proposed Edited Recommendation" could read "2.6" in 
> slightly bigger font for the Python docs.

First, it's not like the docs' version is not displayed on every page
at the top and bottom :)

Still, I can see that it would be helpful if it was kept visible all
the time.  I've experimented with some CSS to make the top navigation
bar sticky; however I could not find a way to do this without the
heading being hidden when jumping to an anchor.

If someone has a patch, please step forward, but please let's put this
discussion on the doc-SIG.


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