[Python-ideas] Proposal for extending the collections module - bags / multisets, ordered sets / unique lists

Michael Lenzen m.lenzen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 22:34:16 CEST 2009

On 07/19/2009 09:22 AM, Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
> Michael Lenzen:
> If you're interested in maintaining a more extensive collections module
> on PyPi, I'd be happy to collaborate with you as the author of 2 of the
> 3 aforementioned rejected data structures. :-)
> In addition to pairing heaps (deprecated) and blist (on PyPi), I've also
> got a few other data structures that may or may not interest you:
> - HeapDict (on PyPi): a dictionary where .popitem() returns the item
> with the lowest value
> - LRU: a dictionary that maintains hard references to the most recently
> used n items and weak references to the rest
> - MultiValueDict: x[5] = 1, x[5] = 2, print x[5] => set([1,2])
> - WeakRefSet: the set analog to a WeakRefDict
>     --
>     Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
>     President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC <http://stutzbachenterprises.com>

I am definitely interested in maintaining a more extensive collections 
module regardless of whether or not my suggestions make it into the 
Python library.  I must admit though, that I am not a proponent of 
pushing all of the data structures into the standard library.

I don't have any experience creating a package, although it doesn't seem 
too tough, so as much help as you'd like to give would be great.  We'd 
also have to come up with a better name that 'collections_'.  If you 
want to join the project, just shoot me an email.

-Michael Lenzen

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