[Python-ideas] Proposal for function expressions

Carl Johnson cmjohnson.mailinglist at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 13:41:52 CEST 2009

This idea seems to be almost identical to my thread from November,
"Proposal for Ruby-style anonymous block functions	(that don't kill
the indention)":

The real difference is that your proposal uses & (which is a bad idea,
since & already has a meaning: __and__) and in

foo() do:

it implicitly injects the BODY function into the args of foo, which
violates Explicit Is Better Than Implicit.

I agree though that sometimes rather than doing

def spam():
result = foo(spam)

you would rather do

result = foo(spam*) *To Be Defined on the next line, OK!
def spam():

because it reads better. As I understand it, this was the reason the
decorator syntax was invented. Basically,

def foo():

reads better than

def foo():
foo = classmethod(foo)

so decorators are just syntatic sugar to improve readability.

So, I agree with the basic motivation of your proposal, but I think
the specifics of it aren't as good as my old one (although, I *would*
think that, wouldn't I?) and from experience, I expect the BDFL to
come and give you -2 in a couple days if the thread keeps up…

In terms of refining my old proposal, it strikes me that ! isn't used
in Python currently. If we have to use a sigil of some sort, we could

new_list = sorted(old_list, key=!keyfunc)
def keyfunc(item):
    normalize data…

or something to that effect with the general semantic being that !
means "here comes a variable name, I will define this variable on the
next line, please wait for it!"


-- Carl Johnson

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