[Python-ideas] Yield-From: Finalization guarantees

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Apr 1 06:10:28 CEST 2009

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Greg Ewing
<greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> The problem of how to handle GeneratorExit doesn't
> seem to have any entirely satisfactory solution.
> On the one hand, the inlining principle requires that
> we never re-raise it if the subgenerator turns it into
> a StopIteration (or GeneratorReturn).
> On the other hand, not re-raising it means that a
> broken generator can easily result from innocuously
> combining two things that are individually legitimate.
> I think we just have to accept this, and state that
> refactoring only preserves semantics as long as the
> code block being factored out does not catch
> GeneratorExit without re-raising it. Then we're free
> to always re-raise GeneratorExit and prevent broken
> generators from occurring.
> I'm inclined to think this situation is a symptom that
> the idea of being able to catch GeneratorExit at all
> is flawed. If generator finalization were implemented
> by means of a forced return, or something equally
> uncatchable, instead of an exception, we wouldn't have
> so much of a problem.
> Earlier I said that I thought GeneratorExit was best
> regarded as an implementation detail of generators.
> I'd like to strengthen that statement and say that it
> should be considered a detail of the *present*
> implementation of generators, subject to change in
> future or alternate Pythons.
> Related to that, I'm starting to come back to my
> original instinct that GeneratorExit should not be
> thrown into the subiterator at all. Rather, it should
> be taken as an indication that the delegating generator
> is being finalized, and the subiterator's close()
> method called if it has one. Then there's never any
> question about whether to re-raise it -- we should
> always do so.

This sounds fine -- though somehow I have a feeling nobody will really
care either way, and when it causees a problem, it's going to cost an
afternoon of debugging regardless. So do what's easiest to implement,
we can always fix it later.

BTW, I'd really like it if you (and others interested in PEP 380) read
Dave Beazley's excellent coroutines tutorial
(http://dabeaz.com/coroutines/), and commented on how yield-from can
make his example code easier to write or faster. The tutorial comes
with ample warnings about its mind-bending nature but I found it
excellently written and very clear on the three different use cases
for yield: iteration, receiving messages, and "traps" (cooperative
multitasking). I cannot plug this enough. (Thanks Jeremy Hylton for
mentioning it to me.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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