[Python-ideas] Implicit String Concatenation

Eoghan Murray eoghan at qatano.com
Wed Apr 11 18:23:46 CEST 2007

Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies:

On 4/11/07, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote:
> [snip]
>  No, please! The concatenation of string literals is done in the parser.

 Your proposal would move that to runtime [snip...]

 An implementation detail?

 [...snip] and introduce a "whitespace operator".
>  How would you spell that? How would you overload it? etc.

This is exactly what I'm proposing.  You could spell it __juxta__  short for
juxtaposition or __concat__, and overload it as usual :-)

On 11/04/07, Collin Winter <collinw at gmail.com> wrote:
A single-width whitespace operator would just be confusing since PEP
> 3117 will be using zero-width spaces for the None typedef : )

3117 looks cool, but it is in draft stages so needn't factor.

Anyone with any positive reactions?

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