[python-events] Ticketing software

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Sat Sep 23 06:49:28 EDT 2023

Hi Igor,

this list is for submitting event calendar entries. For conference 
related questions, it's better to ask these on the 
https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/conferences mailing list.

I know that Eventbrite has a mobile app which can be used to verify tickets:

Pretix does as well: https://pretix.eu/about/en/pricing
and they provide a free hosted service for smaller free conferences.


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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    eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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On 23.09.2023 02:37, Igor Támara wrote:
> Hi there, do you know a software that helps in the registration 
> process for participants? Is there a python service or python 
> repository that would include this hosted or to host by ourselves:
>  * Form to register people
>  * QR code generated for each issued ticket
>  * When the QR code is read by an organizer, it marks the ticket as used
> The objective is to preregister people for an event
> Know if the preregistered people actually goes to the event
> Also be able to make some queries to the db to get te list of 
> registered and people that actually went to the event.
> I guess we would be using the phone camera to read the QR code or have 
> an app to do so.
> Thanks for any hint.
> We are aiming to open tickets for 200 people at a conference that will 
> be held in October 21st https://www.slec.net/edupy/ , this one is for 
> free, in which case we are avoiding paid services.
> -- 
> http://igor.tamarapatino.org
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