[python-events] Tagging online event and Recordings available dates

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Mar 23 06:30:18 EDT 2022

On 23.03.2022 08:59, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:
> Greetings,
> DL Neil has few concerns
> 1. Events on the calendar don't appear on the website.
> Suggested to contact the website team

Not sure what you mean. The events are published in this section
of the website:


There are two sections: user group entries and event entries
(for larger events such as conferences)

> 2. Events online don't show clearly on the calendar. Suggests
> adding the [online] tag before such events

We always list online events as such and the location is listed on
the website (see above).

> 3. Proposes announcing recordings available date on the calendar.
> For my part, i don't think it aligns with the events team spirit but brought it 
> nevertheless

This is not the purpose of the events calendars. We just want to make
people aware of events being organized around Python and point to them.

Things like when to register, CFP, recordings, etc. are not within
the scope of the events calendars.
Marc-Andre Lemburg

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