[python-events] Monitoring Python applications using Prometheus - live event

Marta Jakubczak marta.jakubczak at monterail.com
Wed Mar 16 07:06:07 EDT 2022

As Monterail, we're organizing live event "Monitoring Python applications
using Prometheus" as a part of our MonteTalks events series.
It is, obviously, focused on Python, but also Django and Grafana.
It's a live event, so it's hard to assume the number of attendees: the
more, the merrier ;)
Date: 29th of March, 6 P.M. CEST
Location: online
You can join us on:

   - FB: https://fb.me/e/2oBkJ5AhN
   - Li: https://hi.monterail.co/3Ie8Y63
   - YT: https://youtu.be/n1nL4Sf7VEs

I'd be super grateful if you could post our event in your events calendar.

If anything is missing, please let me know ;)

Best regards/Pozdrawiam,

[image: Monterail]

Marta Jakubczak • Event Marketing Specialist

at Monterail <http://monterail.com/>, Web and mobile development agency

PS As Monterail we stand in solidarity with Ukraine! We are actively showing
support <https://www.monterail.com/blog/monterail-supports-ukraine>.
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