[python-events] python meetup in Wrocław, Poland

Marta Jakubczak marta.jakubczak at monterail.com
Thu Jul 14 07:16:36 EDT 2022

As Monterail, together with local Python enthusiasts group: wroc.py, we're
organizing a meetup to share our developers' knowledge about Python (of
course ;)).

This event is planned for the 2nd of August, 6 P.M. CEST in Wrocław,
Poland, held in Polish. We'll be talking about "Monitoring Django
applications using Prometheus" and about reporting, using pandas.

I know that maybe you put on your events calendar only events in English,
but I wanted to give it a try and write to you, asking to put this event as
well :)

All information + the link to sign up below:

I'd be grateful for your reply if you'll put our meetup in your calendar :)

Best regards,

[image: Monterail]

Marta Jakubczak • Event Marketing Specialist

at Monterail <http://monterail.com/>, Web and mobile development agency
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