[python-events] Google form for submitting events

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Sun Nov 7 10:35:53 EST 2021

On 07.11.2021 16:22, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer wrote:
> Greetings,
> I know this sounds weird but im sure practical.
> Why not have a Google form with all required info asked
> for events? This will ensure that the format is respected.
> Mail only used if like event not posted or things like that.
> Downside-wise speaking we'd have to be notified of every submissions. Apart from
> that i see no issue.
> It will also make many things clearer. What do you think?

There have been some efforts to make submissions more streamlined,
but so far none have actually been put in place.

What we'd need is a form which makes it possible to submit
events using a standard format and which outputs the details
to this mailing list.

A fully automated approach will not work, since we still need
to be able to contact the person submitting the request to raise
additional questions where needed.

A Google form alone won't help much, since the notifications
do not include the entered content. You always have to go to
the spreadsheet to find this.

However, it would probably be possible to use some Google apps
script to implement sending an email. The email would then
have to have the original submitter on CC for easy contact.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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