[python-events] Free Ticket to the Smart & Green Building Expo

The Smart & Green Building Expo events at industryandbusiness.ie
Tue Mar 5 11:14:44 EST 2019

Hi? , 

As part of keeping you up to date with our upcoming events across various sectors, I wanted to offer you complimentary delegate passes to the Smart and Green Building Expo which is a conference and expo being held on the 14th March 2019 in the Citywest Convention Centre, Dublin. 

The event will bring together over 2,000 construction companies, developers, policy makers, project owners, building owners, government and municipal bodies, architectural and design firms, facility managers, property managers, large industrial companies and key suppliers of smart and sustainable building technology and equipment. 

To get the complimentary passes you simply need to register here . A delegate badge will then be available to pick up when you arrive at the venue on the day of the event. Feel free to inform your colleagues and clients. 

The event is Co-Located with several other events including the National Construction Summit . Over 2,000 delegates will attend on the day to hear talks from over 150 speakers and network with 100+ exhibitors. 

Key Topics Include 

BIM, Lean, Water Management, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy, Waste Reduction, Sustainable Construction & Buildings, Facility Management, Maintenance, Engineering, Software & Data, Smart Manufacturing, and Much More ? 

Call for Speakers 

We currently have a number of speaking spots available. To submit your interest in speaking, please email info at smartandgreenbuildingexpo.com . 

Exhibiting or Sponsoring 

To exhibit at or sponsor the event, please email info at smartandgreenbuildingexpo.com Should you not wish to receive any further event updates please click the unsubscribe email below or email info at smartandgreenbuildingexpo.com 

Mark Ryan 
The Smart & Green Building Expo 
+353 16120880 

? Copyright, 2019, Premier Publising ? 51 Parkwest, Nangor Road, Dublin 12 

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