[python-events] python events on wikical

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Sun Jan 6 09:21:39 EST 2019

Hi Ivan,

you should be able to use the Google Geo APIs for adding
coordinates based on the Location field we set on events.

Here's an example of how this can be done:


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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On 03.01.2019 19:48, Ivan F. Villanueva B. via python-events wrote:
> Dear members of the Python events group,
> I would like to add the Python events to wikical, a non-for-profit libre
> calendar.
> See for instance some events tagged with open-source:
>     https://wikical.com/tag/open-source/
> The same events on a map: https://wikical.com/map/of/open-source/events/
> on a calendar: https://wikical.com/calendar/of/open-source/events/
> and as an ical feed: https://wikical.com/ical/of/open-source/events/
> Unfortunately your ical feeds listed at
>     https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar
> are lacking coordinates (GEO field) and URLs (URL field). Compare them
> to the icals generated by wikical.
> I wonder if you could provide me with another machine-readable URL for
> the data, having the URL of the event and the location coordinates.
> Alternatively, we could collaborate in other ways, e.g. asking
> events submitters to add the events to wikical, and using its API to
> display the events at https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar
> wikical not only offers the events as ical, but also in many other
> formats. See
> https://wikical.com/api/
> and
> https://wikical.com/api/docs/
> BTW, wikical is programmed in Python :-)
> Kind regards,

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