[python-events] Upcoming Guest Post Ideas for in.pycon.org

Danish Wadhwa d at wadhwa.me
Thu Feb 14 08:56:38 EST 2019

This is my third email for you to follow up on Guest Post pitch. Please do let me know what you think about it? 
Danish Wadhwa 
If you don't want to receive emails like this from me, please let me know here ( http://tx.bz-mail-us1.com/1/l/62aa12f2dde14fbfa1b73d81c541fe4d?rl=http%3A%2F%2Funsubscribe.bz-mail-us1.com%2Funsubscribe%3Fe%3Devents%2540pycon.org%26i%3D1229177430.397971.1550152598095%2540ip-10-1-0-49%26u%3D47585%26g%3D25993 ) . 
 -----Original Message----- 
Emailing you to follow up on my first mail. Please do let me know what you think about guest contribution. 
Danish Wadhwa 
If you don't want to receive emails like this from me, please let me know here ( http://tx.bz-mail-us1.com/1/l/fa4ff751fc704f908ec5d7df63430305?rl=http%3A%2F%2Funsubscribe.bz-mail-us1.com%2Funsubscribe%3Fe%3Devents%2540pycon.org%26i%3D1229177430.397971.1550152598095%2540ip-10-1-0-49%26u%3D47585%26g%3D25993 ) . 
 -----Original Message----- 
I am Danish. Digital Marketer and Hubspot Inbound Certified Professional seeking a Guest Writing opportunity on your Blog. In return, I am expecting a do-follow backlink. 
To be transparent I cleared my intention directly in the subject line, but Being an avid reader cannot skip to tell you this. 
While browsing I came across your website in.pycon.org and found it highly relevant to my interest. To be honest this "https://in.pycon.org/funnel/2014/108-python-spark-lightning-fast-cluster-computing/index.html" made a lot of sense to me. 
I was wondering If you allow Guest Post Contribution on your Blog as I will be more than Happy to be a Contributor here and address your audience with my expertise. 
Going more deeply with your website, I have figured out a few article ideas which I think your readers would love to read. 
 Introduction to the Python Deep Learning Library TensorFlow A guide to building deep learning systems-Learning Tensorflow Building Machine Learning with Tensorflow Top 5 reasons to use the Apache Cassandra Database What is Cassandra - An Introduction to Apache Cassandra Apache Spark Vs Hadoop: Which is the best Framework 5 Things to know about Apache Spark Step-By-Step installation of Apache Spark Framework How to use MongoDB with Spark 
Let me know if you are interested. 
About Content:- 
-1000+ Words 
-Relevant and High-Quality Content 
If you don't want to receive emails like this from me, please let me know here ( http://tx.bz-mail-us1.com/1/l/95252614036142aea5596a5ef65dee78?rl=http%3A%2F%2Funsubscribe.bz-mail-us1.com%2Funsubscribe%3Fe%3Devents%2540pycon.org%26i%3D1229177430.397971.1550152598095%2540ip-10-1-0-49%26u%3D47585%26g%3D25993 ) .
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