[python-events] New event: PyHPC 2017

Andreas.Schreiber at dlr.de Andreas.Schreiber at dlr.de
Mon Jun 12 13:31:18 EDT 2017

 * name of the event: PyHPC 2017: 7th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing
 * type of event: Scientific workshop
 * focus on Python: Python for HPC
 * approximate number of attendees: 100
 * location (incl. country): Denver, CO, USA
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): November 12, 2017 9:00 - 17:30 MTZ
 * link (in HTML format): <a href="http://www.dlr.de/sc/pyhpc2017“>PyHPC 2017</a>

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
German Aerospace Center
Simulation and Software Technology | Intelligent and Distributed Systems | Berlin / Braunschweig / Cologne | Germany
Andreas Schreiber | Head of department
Telephone +49-2203-601-2485 | Mobile +49-173-5231013 | Andreas.Schreiber at dlr.de<mailto:Andreas.Schreiber at dlr.de> | Threema 6TBFURPZ<threema://add/?id=6TBFURPZ>
www.DLR.de/sc<http://www.dlr.de/sc> | Twitter @onyame<https://twitter.com/onyame> | DLR at a glance: http://youtu.be/_YLqGAiEOs0
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