[python-events] New Event

Django Girls Manchester manchester at djangogirls.org
Wed Nov 18 03:23:03 EST 2015

   - the name of the event (including the user group name for user group
   events) - Django Girls Manchester
   - type of event (conference, bar camp, sprint, user group meeting, etc.)
   - Workshop
   - focus on Python and approximate size (number of attendees) - 24
   Attendees, 10 Coaches, 2 Organisers, workshop involves building your first
   website using HTML, CSS, Python & Django

   the location (venue address, including city and *country*) - MadLab,
   36-40 Edge Street, Manchester, M4 1HN, United Kingdom
   - the dates/times (including the time zone) - 13th February, 9am - 6pm

   a URL with more details for the event (using the format "<a href="
   http://url/">name of the event</a>") - <a href="
   https://djangogirls.org/manchester/">Django Girls Manchester</a>


Django Girls Manchester

For more information: Django Girls Manchester
Twitter @DjangoGirlsMcr <https://twitter.com/DjangoGirlsMcr>
e-mail us: manchester at djangogirls.org
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