[python-events] submitting our event

Skip Montanaro skip at python.org
Mon Jan 20 18:25:40 CET 2014

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Django Village Conference <
info at djangovillage.it> wrote:

> we would like to submit a local Django conference, that will take place in
> Italy in the summer 2014.
> We are on our first beginning but additional information and updates will
> come soon.
>    - Name of the event: DjangoVillage
>     - Type of the event: Italian Django Conference
>     - Focus on Python and approximate size: 200 attendees extimated
>     - URL: www.djangovillage.it
>     - Location and country: Orvieto, Italy
>     - Date and time (if relevant): 13-15 June 2014
​I've added this to the Python Events Calendar. Please double-check my work
when you have a chance. If you have further details to add, please send
them to events at python.org.


Skip Montanaro
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