[Python-es] Oferta de trabajo: perfil Python en Berlin

gabriel fernandez gabofer82 en gmail.com
Sab Jul 11 14:40:16 CEST 2015


 I'm Python developer and desire getting this job. My question is: You
accept teleworking?

Mi Linkeind profile: https://uy.linkedin.com/in/gabrielfernandezdeveloper

Github profile: https://github.com/gabofer82

Bitbucket profile: https://bitbucket.org/gabofer82


2015-07-10 8:54 GMT-03:00 Nacho Coloma <icoloma en lock8.me>:

> Estoy trabajando con una startup en Berlín muy interesante, y necesitan
> buscar un perfil adicional para JavaScript y otro para Python. La startup
> es muy potente, las tecnologías son punteras, el alemán no es necesario en
> absoluto (el inglés sí).
> Como referencia, el salario podría estar entre 30 y 35K anual para un
> perfil junior y 40-50K para un senior, dependiendo de calidad y
> experiencia.
> Si a alguien le interesa, la descripción sigue a continuación. Sentirse
> libres de reenviar a ese compañero que está desperdiciando su talento
> haciendo aplicaciones de contabilidad en pleno 2015.
> ===
> Lock8 (http://lock8.me) is a young Berlin-based startup that brings GPS
> tracking and Bluetooth connectivity to bicycle locks around the globe.
> After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Lock8 was declared winner of
> TechCrunch Disrupt Europe 2013, raised a series A and is now searching to
> expand the IT team.
> * We are currently seeking a Python developer to join our back-end team.
> Our technology stack on the server involves Python 3, Django and Postgres,
> Ngingx, ZeroMQ and SaltStack.
> * We are also searching for a JavaScript developer to join our front-end
> team. The selected candidate will be working with cutting-edge technologies
> like React, EcmaScript 6, Sass, RWD and gulp.
> It's not required that you know all these tools already, but if you lack
> experience we will ask for a Github or StackOverflow profile to get to know
> you better. Your working time will be spent between understanding the use
> cases, agreeing on design decisions with members of the development team,
> and coding.
> We are a tightly-knit cross-functional team, so communication skills (in
> English) are vital. We are looking for strong problem-solvers, developers
> that like what they do and would be a good fit for our company culture. If
> you think you are a fit, we definitely should talk: jobs en lock8.me (ref:
> Python or JavaScript developer)
> --
> Ignacio Coloma
> Velolock Germany GmbH - Rosenthaler Strasse 13, Berlin
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Gabriel Fernández
Desrrollador Web
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