Fluendo is hiring

Xavier Noria fxn en hashref.com
Vie Abr 1 17:14:32 CEST 2005

Hola! Os paso este anuncio que me parecio que quiza podria interesar a 
la lista. Fluendo es una compañia Open Source afincada en el World 
Trade Center de Barcelona:


y estan buscando gente con skills fuertes en Python:

"We are looking to hire 1-2 more people at Fluendo. We are at this 
point mainly looking for Python hackers to work on our streaming server 
and the services around the streaming server. So if you are a python 
hacker and are willing to move to Barcelona (or are already living 
there) to join the coolest company in the Open Source world make sure 
to mail Thomas (at fluendo.com) or mail me and I forward it to Thomas. 
Strong general python experience is of course the most important, but 
specific knowledge of twisted, gstreamer, streaming technologies and/or 
pygtk and so on doesnt harm your application of course :)" [*]

Su equipo tecnico es de primerisima linea, hay entre ellos core 
developers de GStreamer por ejemplo:


Muy buenos.

Pues nada, si alguien se anima por favor pongase en contacto con Thomas 
Vander Stichele en esta direccion:

     thomas en fluendo.com

-- fxn

[*] http://advogato.org/person/Uraeus/

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