
Cesar Cardenas cescd en yahoo.com.mx
Jue Abr 3 18:31:16 CEST 2003

Unicode se agrego a Python a partir de la version 2.0,
por eso no se puede usar en versiones anteriores


"Python has had unicode support throughout the
language since version 2.0.[12]"
"Actually, Python has had unicode support since
version 1.6, but version 1.6 was a contractual
obligation release that nobody likes to talk about, a
bastard stepchild of a hippie youth best left
forgotten. Even the official Python documentation
claims that unicode was “new in version 2.0”. It’s a
lie, but, like the lies of presidents who say they
inhaled but didn’t enjoy it, we choose to believe it
because we remember our own misspent youths a bit too

 --- Miguel <mimeca en myway.com> escribió: > 
> Buenos dias... Mi duda es como usar en el shell de
> python caracteres unicode (para poder usarlo en
> español). En la shell del Pythonwin si que me
> funciona correctamente (pero en la version 2).
> ¿Podeis ayudarme?

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