[Python-Dev] PEPs from non-core devs now need a sponsor

Richard Damon Richard at Damon-Family.org
Fri Mar 8 08:46:02 EST 2019

On 3/8/19 8:09 AM, Alex Walters wrote:
> I'm confused about this.  Didn't you need someone with merge permissions already to merge a pep into the pep repo?  Isn't this just adding a layer of paperwork to something that was already the case for all practical purposes?
I would say the difference that before, the non-committer proposer just
needed to convince some committer that the PEP was 'a good idea' and
worth being discussed. Now, that person needs to persuade some committer
that not only is it a good idea, but that it is worth the committer
committing themselves to supporting the proposer through the process.

Richard Damon

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