[Python-Dev] PEP 574 (pickle 5) implementation and backport available

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Sat May 26 12:42:42 EDT 2018

+1 for not adding in-pickle compression as it is already very easy to
handle compression externally (for instance by passing a compressing file
object as an argument to the pickler). Furthermore, as PEP 574 makes it
possible to stream the buffer bytes directly to the file-object without any
temporary memory copy I don't see any benefit in including the compression
into the pickle protocol.

However adding lz4.LZ4File to the standard library in addition to
gzip.GzipFile and lzma.LZMAFile is probably a good idea as LZ4 is really
fast compared to zlib/gzip. But this is not related to PEP 574.

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