[Python-Dev] Move ensurepip blobs to external place

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Sat Mar 24 16:52:01 EDT 2018

On Mar 24, 2018, at 16:13, Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> Or we could just pull the right version directly from PyPI? (Note that updating the version should be an explicit step, as it is today, but the file should be identical to what’s on PyPI, right? And a urlretrieve is easier than pulling from a git repo.)

I think the primary original rationale for having the pip wheel and its dependencies checked into the cpython repo was so that users would be able to install pip even if they did not have an Internet connection.  But perhaps that requirement can be relaxed a bit if we say that the necessary wheels are vendored into all of our downloadable release items, that is, included in the packaging of source release files (the various tarballs) and the Windows and macOS binary installers.  The main change would likely be making ensurepip a bit smarter to download if the bundled wheels are not present in the source directory.  Assuming that people building from a cpython repo need to have a network connection if they want to run ensurepip, at least for the first time, is probably not an onerous requirement.

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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