[Python-Dev] python exe installer is broken

Joshua Yeow yjoshua59 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 06:31:13 EST 2018

Dear Python Developers
I hope to be able to use the latest version Python on my Windows 7 PC soon.
The installer is very buggy and as I have discovered that the new exe
installer since version 3.5.0 introduces more and more bugs that are yet to
be resolved. Python erases all it's files, except the installer and
state.rsm within the Package Cache folder, if I change the installation
directory and or select "Install for all users" when undergoing the custom
installation. After upgrading to version 3.6.4, Python erased all it's
files, except the installer and state.rsm within the Package Cache folder,
because I have Python in a directory other than
"..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36". The Python 3.6.4 installer
won't install pip, and pip.exe won't be present in the Package Cache
folder, even if it is selected in the custom installation and modifying the
installation to do so will cause Python to erases all it's files,
except the installer and state.rsm within the Package Cache folder. Trying
to install pip from a pip.exe of a previous version to 3.6.4, such as
3.6.3, will be unsuccessful. Repairing Python 3.6.4 will instead install
Python into "..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36" with all optional
features except for pip. My only option is to keep the default directory
and install Python from 3.6.3 or below. Ever since the first version of the
new exe installer, installing to a directory other than
"..\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36" has proven impossible. The old
msi installer had none of the issues so I hope you developers actually try
out the exe installer and see the problems for yourselves.
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