[Python-Dev] Every Release Can Be a Mini "Python 4000", Within Reason (was (name := expression) doesn't fit the narrative of PEP 20)

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri Apr 27 03:38:22 EDT 2018

Eric Snow wrote:
> Unless I've missed something, there's no prohibition against
> deprecating things (and then later removing them) or other breaks in
> backward compatibility.

I suppose that's true, but even so, changing "=" is going
to feel like a really big change in the style of the
language, bigger even than making "print" no longer a
statement. It seems like there should be more justification
for it than "well, it became redundant with :=".

How would you complete the following sentence? "The ':='
symbol is a much better symbol for assignment than '=',


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