[Python-Dev] PEP 572: Write vs Read, Understand and Control Flow

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Apr 26 01:52:38 EDT 2018

Devin Jeanpierre writes:

 > Some other programming languages (thinking of Racket) solve this by
 > having the debugger let you step through expression evaluation,
 > without editing the code.

Good tools are a wonderful thing, and I think pdb should be enhanced
that way (by somebody who has the time and interest, not me and not
necessarily you ;-).

Nevertheless, "printf debugging" continues to be very popular, and
good support for printf debugging is indeed the killer app for binding
expressions as far as I'm concerned.  Tim's humorous insight took me
from -0.8 all the way to


Nice job, Chris!  Good luck with the pronouncement!


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