[Python-Dev] Meta-question about this mailing list

Stéfane Fermigier sf at fermigier.com
Wed Apr 25 06:57:31 EDT 2018


the description on https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-dev

"On this list the key Python developers discuss the future of the language
and its implementation."

I interpret this sentence as "only key (core?) developers are supposed to
participate in the discussion (ie. post messages), the rest is welcome to

Is this the intended meaning ?

There is an additional description in the devguide:

"python-dev is the primary mailing list for discussions about Python’s
development. The list is open to the public and is subscribed to by all
core developers plus many people simply interested in following Python’s
development. Discussion is focused on issues related to Python’s
development, such as how to handle a specific issue, a PEP, etc."

I would interpret it as "it's OK for non core developers to post", except
for the "many people simply interested in following Python’s development"
part which hints that we are welcome to "follow" but not actively

So in either case (and both descriptions) it would IMHO be useful to use
clearer language.

Another point: later in the Mailman description, one reads: "Consider using
Gmane." (with a link to http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.devel ).

I went to Gmane and found all the links broken. I remember there was some
turmoil at Gmane a couple of years back:


=> It seems the migration didn't work that well and the service shouldn't
been relied upon.



Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - http://twitter.com/sfermigier -
Founder & CEO, Abilian - Enterprise Social Software -
Chairman, Free&OSS Group @ Systematic Cluster -
Co-Chairman, National Council for Free & Open Source Software (CNLL) -
Founder & Organiser, PyParis & PyData Paris - http://pyparis.org/ &
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