[Python-Dev] Analog of PEP 448 for dicts (unpacking in assignment with dict rhs)

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 10:43:53 EST 2017

12.11.17 12:06, Nick Coghlan пише:
> So if folks would like dict unpacking syntax, then a suitable place to
> start would be a proposal for a "getitems"  builtin that allowed
> operations like:
>      b, a  = getitems(d, ("b", "a"))
> operator.itemgetter and operator.attrgetter may provide some
> inspiration for possible proposals.

I don't see any relations between this getitems and operator.itemgetter 
or operator.attrgetter. getitems can be implemented as:

(the most obvious way)

     def getitems(mapping, keys):
         for key in keys:
             yield mapping[key]


     def getitems(mapping, keys):
         return map(functools.partial(operator.getitem, mapping), keys)

or (simpler but rough equivalent)

     def getitems(mapping, keys):
         return map(mapping.__getitem__, keys)

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