[Python-Dev] Proposal: go back to enabling DeprecationWarning by default

Simon Cross hodgestar+pythondev at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 12:42:16 EST 2017

I'm -1 on turning this on by default.

As a Python developer, I want to be aware of when deprecations are
introduced, but I don't want the users of my library or application to
care or know if I don't address those deprecation warnings for a few
months or a year. The right solution for me here seems to enable the
warnings in CI pipelines / tests.

As an end user, if I see deprecation warnings there's nothing I can
really do to make them go away straight away except run Python with
warnings turned off which seems to defeat the point of turning them on
by default. The right solution here seems to be for authors to test
their software before releasing.

I'm -2 on a complicated rule for when warnings are on because I'm
going to forget the rule a week from now and probably no one I work
with on a day to day basis will even know what the rule was to start

Maybe there are ways around these things, but I'm not really seeing
what's wrong with the current situation that can't be fixed with
slightly better CI setups (which are good for other reasons too).


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