[Python-Dev] Proposal: go back to enabling DeprecationWarning by default

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Nov 6 01:26:26 EST 2017

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > Hence the proposed documentation change: the responsibility for
 > silencing these warnings (for both their own code and for their
 > dependencies) should rest with *application* developers,

How do you propose to handle users with legacy apps that they can't or
their organization won't or they don't wanna upgrade?  As I understand
it, their only option would be something global, which they may not
want to do.

 > We've been running the current experiment for 7 years, and the main
 > observable outcome

Well, yeah.  You can't observe something that doesn't happen, period.

Bottom line: this is NOT a simple proposal, because it inherently
deals in counterfactual reasoning.


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull/sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN

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