[Python-Dev] f-strings

Wagner Herculano wagherculano at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 14 18:59:53 EST 2017

Good evening,
I'm Wagner Herculano from Brazil.
I was trying to do a table exercise with number 5 and tried formatting spaces and did not find it in PEP 498 documentation.
Finally I found a way, if possible, include this example in the documentation please.

Below is my script with the desired formatting about table of 5.

n = 5
for i in range(1,11):
    print(f'{n} x {i:>2} = {n*i:>2}')

5 x  1 =  5
5 x  2 = 10
5 x  3 = 15
5 x  4 = 20
5 x  5 = 25
5 x  6 = 30
5 x  7 = 35
5 x  8 = 40
5 x  9 = 45
5 x 10 = 50
Sorry my English, I needed to use Google Translate

Best Regards,
    Wagner Herculano
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