[Python-Dev] Parsing f-strings from PEP 498 -- Literal String Interpolation

Fabio Zadrozny fabiofz at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 14:03:12 EDT 2016

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com> wrote:

> On 11/4/2016 10:50 AM, Fabio Zadrozny wrote:
>>     In what way do you think the implementation isn't ready for a final
>>     release?
>> Well, the cases listed in the docs​
>> (https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/default/Doc/reference/
>> lexical_analysis.rst
>> <https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/default/Doc/reference/
>> lexical_analysis.rst>)
>> don't work in the latest release (with SyntaxErrors) -- and the bug I
>> created related to it: http://bugs.python.org/issue28597
>> <http://bugs.python.org/issue28597> was promptly closed as duplicate
>> -- so, I assumed (maybe wrongly?) that the parsing still needs work.
> It's not the parsing that needs work, it's the documentation. Those
> examples used to work, but the parser was deliberately changed to not
> support them. There's a long discussion on python-ideas about it, starting
> at https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2016-August/041727.html

​Understood ;)

> ​It'd be nice if at least this description could be added to the PEP (as
>> all other language implementations and IDEs will have to work the same
>> way and will probably reference it) -- a grammar example, even if not
>> used would be helpful (personally, I think hand-crafted parsers are
>> always worse in the long run compared to having a proper grammar with a
>> parser, although I understand that if you're not really used to it, it
>> may be more work to set it up).
> I've written a parser generator just to understand how they work, so I'm
> completely sympathetic to this. However, in this case, I don't think it
> would be any easier. I'm basically writing a tokenizer, not an expression
> parser. It's much simpler. The actual parsing is handled by
> PyParser_ASTFromString. And as I state below, you have to also consider the
> parser consumers.
> Also, I find it a bit troubling that
>> ​​
>> PyParser_ASTFromString is used
>> there and not just the node which would be related to an expression,
>> although I understand it's probably an easier approach, although in the
>> end you probably have to filter it and end up just accepting what's
>> beneath the "test" from the grammar, no? (i.e.: that's what a lambda
>> body accepts).
> Using PyParser_ASTFromString is the easiest possible way to do this. Given
> a string, it returns an AST node. What could be simpler?

​I think that for implementation purposes, given the python infrastructure,
it's fine, but for specification purposes, probably incorrect... As I don't
think f-strings should accept:

 f"start {import sys; sys.version_info[0];} end" (i.e.:
PyParser_ASTFromString doesn't just return an expression, it accepts any
valid Python code, even code which can't be used in an f-string).

> ​Well, I think all language implementations / IDEs (or at least those
>> which want to give syntax errors) will *have* to look inside f-strings.
> While it's probably true that IDEs (and definitely language
> implementations) will want to parse f-strings, I think there are many more
> code scanners that are not language implementations or IDEs. And by being
> "just" regular strings with a new prefix, it's trivial to get any parser
> that doesn't care about the internal structure to at least see f-strings as
> normal strings.
> Also, you could still have a separate grammar saying how to look inside
>> f-strings (this would make the lives of other implementors easier) even
>> if it was a post-processing step as you're doing now.
> Yes. I've contemplated exposing the f-string scanner. That's the part that
> returns expressions (as strings) and literal strings. I realize that won't
> help 3.6.


As a note, just for the record, my own interest on f-strings is knowing how
exactly they are parsed for providing a preview of PyDev with syntax
highlighting and preliminary support for f-strings (which at the very
minimum besides syntax highlighting for the parts of f-strings should also
show syntax errors inside them).


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