[Python-Dev] FAT Python (lack of) performance

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 17:58:12 EST 2016

2016-01-25 22:51 GMT+01:00 Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de>:
> - they provide a great infrastructure for optimizing CPython AND
> extending/experimenting Python as an ecosystem

I hope that these API will create more optimizer projects than just

For example, I expect more specialized optimizers like numba or
pythran which are very efficient but more specific (ex: numeric
computations) than fatoptimizer. Maybe not new optimizers, but just
glue to existing static compilers (numba, pythran, cython, etc.).

> If there's anything I can do, let me know. :)

Oh, they are a lot of things to do! My patches for PEP 509, 510 and
511 still need some love (reviews):


I'm finishing my patch adding ast.Constant. This one is less
controversal, it has no impact on performance nor the Python


But these patches are boring C code. You may prefer to work on the
funny fatoptimizer project which is written in pure Python:



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