[Python-Dev] do people use sys._mercurial?

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Fri Jan 22 22:33:39 EST 2016

On Jan 22, 2016, at 18:44, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> Since we are going to be switching over to Git, sys._mercurial is going to be made to return a dummy value of `('CPython', '', '')` once we switch to Git. But my question is do we bother to replace it with sys._git? I wanted to make sure that the effort is worth it to keep changing these VCS-specific attributes every time we change our VCS (and no, we are not going to adopt a generic one; already had that debate). So do please speak up if you actually have found value from sys._mercurial.

As long as the git revision tag (if any) and hash show up in sys.version and the interpreter interactive (REPL) mode header as they do today with hg and previously with svn (that is, when the interpreter is built from a vcs checkout), I'm happy:

$ python3
Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  5 2015, 21:12:44)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
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  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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