[Python-Dev] How far to go with user-friendliness

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Sun Jul 19 17:52:13 CEST 2015

On 07/18/2015 05:13 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> However, from the core developer side [...]

Participants              Core Dev?     Position on "assret"
----------------------    -----------   --------------------
Dima Tismek               no            -1
Xavier Morel              no            -1
Florian Bruhin            no             ?
Mark Lawrence             no            ?
Stephen J. Turnbull       no            -.5 (?)
Alexander                 no            -1
David Mertz               no            -1
Ron Adam                  no            ?
Christie Wilson           no            +1 (?)
Ben Finney                no            -1
Isaac Schwabacher         no            -1
MRAB                      ?*            -0 (?)

Michael Foord             yes           +1
Antoine Pitrou            yes           +1
Victor Stinner            yes           +1 (?)
Nick Coghlan              yes           +1
Paul Moore                yes           +0
A.M. Kuchling             yes           -0
Robert Collins            yes           -1
Brett Canon               yes           -.5 (?)
Berker Peksağ             yes           -.5 (?)
Steven D'Aprano           yes           -1
Barry Warsaw              yes           -.5 (?)
Ethan Furman              yes           -1

Looks like this thread was pretty evenly split between core devs and non-core devs.

Looks like a definite majority of non-core devs, and at least a slight majority of core devs, think "assret" should be removed.

Apparently you do not speak for all core devs on this issue, so please don't pretend that you do.

Oh, and just a small tidbit of info -- it took longer to research and write this email than it did to write the patch to remove "assret" checking [1].

Seems to me a lot of fuss could have been avoided by just acknowledging that a mistake may have been made, and asking for patches if anybody cared enough about it.


[1] http://bugs.python.org/issue24656

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