[Python-Dev] Schedule for 3.4.3, revised schedule for 3.5.0a1

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Thu Jan 15 05:02:24 CET 2015

Python 3.5.0a1 is currently scheduled to be released February 1. Since 
I'll be on the road that day, the 3.5 team has agreed to push the 
release back a week.  3.5.0a1 will be tagged Saturday February 7 and 
released Sunday February 8.  This doesn't change any of the other 
release dates for 3.5..

Since it's about time for a 3.4.3 anyway, we're going to push that out 
at the same time.  3.4.3rc1 will be tagged Saturday February 7 and 
released Sunday February 8.  3.4.3 final will follow two weeks later, 
tagged Saturday February 21 and released Sunday February 22.

Get your bug fixes (3.4) and crazy new functionality (3.5) in now!

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