[Python-Dev] async/await behavior on multiple calls

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 21:13:29 EST 2015

On Dec 15, 2015, at 17:29, Roy Williams <rwilliams at lyft.com> wrote:
> My proposal would be to automatically wrap the return value from an `async` function or any object implementing `__await__` in a future with `asyncio.ensure_future()`.  This would allow async/await code to behave in a similar manner to other languages implementing async/await and would remain compatible with existing code using asyncio.

Two questions:

Is it possible (and at all reasonable) to write code that actually depends on getting raw coroutines from async?

If not, is there any significant performance impact for code that works with raw coroutines and doesn't need real futures to get them wrapped in futures anyway?

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