[Python-Dev] Type hints -- a mediocre programmer's reaction

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Tue Apr 21 05:29:34 CEST 2015

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 07:30:39PM +0100, Harry Percival wrote:
> Hi all,
> tldr; type hints in python source are scary. Would reserving them for stub
> files be better?

No no no, a thousand times no it would not!

Please excuse my extreme reaction, but over on the python-list mailing 
list (comp.lang.python if you prefer Usenet) we already had this 
discussion back in January.

Anyone wishing to read those conversations should start here:



Be prepared for a long, long, long read. Nothing in your post hasn't 
already been discussed (except for your proposal to deprecate 
annotations altogether). So if you feel that I'm giving any of your 
ideas or concerns short-shrift, I'm not, it's just that I've already 
given them more time than I can afford. And now I get to do it all 
again, yay.

(When reading those threads, please excuse my occasional snark towards 
Rick, he is a notorious troll on the list and sometimes I let myself be 
goaded into somewhat less than professional responses.)

While I sympathise with your thought that "it's scary", I think it is 
misguided and wrong. As a thought-experiment, let us say that we roll 
back the clock to 1993 or thereabouts, just as Python 1.0 (or so) was 
about to be released, and Guido proposed adding *default values* to 
function declarations [assuming they weren't there from the start]. If 
we were used to Python's clean syntax:

    def zipmap(f, xx, yy):

the thought of having to deal with default values:

    def zipmap(f=None, xx=(), yy=()):

might be scary. Especially since those defaults could be arbitrarily 
complex expressions. Twenty years on, what should we think about such 

Type hinting or declarations are extremely common in programming 
languages, and I'm not just talking about older languages like C and 
Java. New languages, both dynamic and static, like Cobra, Julia, 
Haskell, Go, Boo, D, F#, Fantom, Kotlin, Rust and many more include 
optional or mandatory type declarations. You cannot be a programmer 
without expecting to deal with type hints/declarations somewhere. As 
soon as you read code written in other languages (and surely you do 
that, don't you? you practically cannot escape Java and C code on the 
internet) and in my opinion Python cannot be a modern language without 

I'm going to respond to your recommendation to use stub files in 
another post (replying to Barry Warsaw), here I will discuss your 
concerns first.

> My first reaction to type hints was "yuck", and I'm sure I'm not the only
> one to think that.  viz (from some pycon slides):
>     def zipmap(f: Callable[[int, int], int], xx: List[int],
>                yy: List[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
> arg.  and imagine it with default arguments.

You've picked a complex example and written it poorly. I'd say yuck too, 
but let's use something closer to PEP-8 formatting:

    def zipmap(f: Callable[[int, int], int],
               xx: List[int],
               yy: List[int]
               ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]:

Not quite so bad with each parameter on its own line. It's actually 
quite readable, once you learn what the annotations mean. Like all new 
syntax, of course you need to learn it. But the type hints are just 
regular Python expressions.

> Of course, part of this reaction is just a knee-jerk reaction to the new
> and unfamiliar, and should be dismissed, entirely justifiably, as mere
> irrationality.  But I'm sure sensible people agree that they do make our
> function definitions longer, more complex, and harder to read.

Everything has a cost and all features, or lack of features, are a 
trade-off. Function definitions could be even shorter and simpler and 
easier to read if we didn't have default values.

> I'm not so sure.  My worry is that once type hinting gets standardised,
> then they will become a "best practice", and there's a particular
> personality type out there that's going to start wanting to add type hints
> to every function they write.  Similarly to mindlessly obeying PEP8 while
> ignoring its intentions, hobgoblin-of-little-minds style, I think we're
> very likely to see type hints appearing in a lot of python source, or a lot
> of pre-commit-hook checkers.  Pretty soon it will be hard to find any open
> source library code that doesn't have type hints, or any project style
> guide that doesn't require them.

I doubt that very much. I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I would 
put money on it.

Firstly: libraries tend to be multi-version, and these days they are 
often hybrid Python 2 & 3 code. Since annotations are 3 only, libraries 
cannot use these type hints until they drop support for Python 2.7, 
which will surely be *no less* than five years away. Probably more like 
ten. So "annotations everywhere" are, at best, many years away.

Secondly, more importantly, there are a lot of Python programmers who 
(like you) dislike type hinting. They are not going to suddenly jump on 
the band wagon and use them. Even if the libraries that they use have 
annotations, most people don't read the source and will never know.

But the biggest reason that I know that there will not be a sudden rush 
to horrible enterprisey code in Python due to type annotations is that 
Python has allowed enterprisey code for 20+ years and it hasn't become 
common practice. We can overuse design patterns, and turn everything 
into a property (or worse, getter/setter methods) just like Java, and we 
simple don't.

Well, perhaps some libraries do. Since we don't tend to read their 
source code, how would we know if they are full of properties and 
decorators and metaclasses doing the most horrid things imaginable? All 
we care about is that the code we write is ordinary readable Python 
code, and it works. (There may be exceptions, but they are 

There is no epidemic of style guides making properties mandatory, or git 
check-ins that reject any function that fails to have doctests, or any 
of the bad things that have been possible in Python for two decades. 
Type hints can be abused too, and just like all the other things that 
can be, they won't be abused to the degree you fear.

My comments on stub files to follow.


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