[Python-Dev] WebM MIME type in mimetypes module

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Dec 3 03:16:52 CET 2014

On 12/2/2014 7:07 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm seeking to move http://bugs.python.org/issue16329 towards conclusion.
> Since the discussion on the issue itself seems to have petered out, I
> thought I'd bring it up here.
> To summarize the issue, it proposes adding an entry for WebM (
> http://www.webmproject.org/docs/container/#naming ) to the mimetypes
> standard library module's file-extension to MIME-type database.
> (Specifically: .webm => video/webm )
> Mozilla, Microsoft, Opera, and freedesktop.org (the de facto standard
> *nix MIME type database package) all acknowledge the existence of a
> video/webm MIME type (see the issue for relevant links), and this MIME
> type is in WebM's documentation.
> However, there is no official IANA registration for WebM's MIME type,
> and none seems to be forthcoming/planned.
> As R.D.M. said in the issue:
>> So we have two choices:
>> leave it to the platform mime types file to define because it is not even on track to be an official IANA standard,
>> or include it with a comment that it is a de-facto standard.
> [...]
>> I guess I'd be OK with adding it as a de-facto standard, though I'm not entirely comfortable with it. But that would represent a change in policy, so others may want to weigh in.
> Nobody has weighed in during the subsequent ~2 years, so I'm hoping a
> few of y'all could weigh in one way or the other, and thus bring the
> issue to a definitive conclusion.

If it has remained a defacto standard for the two years since your made 
that list, that would be a point in favor of recognizing it.  Have .webm 
files become more common in actual use?

Terry Jan Reedy

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