[Python-Dev] PEP 476: Enabling certificate validation by default!

Alex Gaynor alex.gaynor at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 04:44:12 CEST 2014

Thanks for the rapid feedback everyone!

I want to summarize the action items and discussion points that have come up so

To add to the PEP:

* Emit a warning in 3.4.next for cases that would raise a Exception in 3.5
* Clearly state that the existing OpenSSL environment variables will be
  respected for setting the trust root

Discussion points:

* Disabling verification entirely externally to the program, through a CLI flag
  or environment variable. I'm pretty down on this idea, the problem you hit is
  that it's a pretty blunt instrument to swing, and it's almost impossible to
  imagine it not hitting things it shouldn't; it's far too likely to be used in
  applications that make two sets of outbound connections: 1) to some internal
  service which you want to disable verification on, and 2) some external
  service which needs strong validation. A global flag causes the latter to
  fail silently when subjected to a MITM attack, and that's exactly what we're
  trying to avoid. It also makes things much harder for library authors: I
  write an API client for some API, and make TLS connections to it. I want
  those to be verified by default. I can't even rely on the httplib defaults,
  because someone might disable them from the outside.


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