[Python-Dev] non-US zip archives support in zipfile.py

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Oct 15 15:46:15 CEST 2013

Am 15.10.13 14:49, schrieb Daniel Holth:
> It is part of the ZIP specification. CP437 or UTF-8 are the two
> official choices, but other encodings happen on Russian, Japanese
> systems.

Indeed. Formally, the other encodings are not supported by the
ZIP specification, and are thus formally misuse of the format.

I believe (without having proof) that early versions of the
specification failed to discuss the file name encoding at all,
making people believe that it is unspecified and always the
system encoding (which is useless, of course, as you create
zip files to move them across systems).


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