[Python-Dev] PEP 455: TransformDict

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Oct 4 23:14:43 CEST 2013

Good evening,

On Fri, 4 Oct 2013 13:38:05 -0700
Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> You can also add to the discussion by trying out your own usability
> tests on people who haven't been exposed to this thread or the pep.

I think "usability tests" should be conducted on people who actually
have a need for the API. Otherwise they simply don't make sense: if you
don't need an API, then you don't have to learn / understand it either.

As an example, if you conduct random usability tests about "yield
from" (PEP 380, accepted) or single-dispatch generic functions (PEP 443,
accepted), you'll probably get a negative outcome, especially on

Or if you conduct usability tests about the ssl module on someone who's
never done any network programming, you'll get the similar kind of
negative results.

> * When given a description of the mechanics of a TransformDict,
> they don't seem to be able to figure-out what you would do with it
> without being given an example.

Well, the documentation is the place where we give examples.

> * When given a example of using a TransformDict, they understand
> the example but don't seem to be able to come-up with other examples
> other than the one they were just shown.

Is it any different for e.g. defaultdict? Because the mechanics are
exactly the same: a generic construct which you can specialize for
various use cases.

> * This contrasts with the results when I show something less general
> like a CaseInsensitiveDict.  People seem to get that right away.
> As you might expect, the generalized solution is harder to wrap
> your head around than a specific solution with a clear name.

Yet the generic solution is applicable to far many cases than the
specialized one.
I'm not against adding a CaseInsensitiveDict, but that would be a
rather bizarre thing to do given we can add a generic construct that's
far more powerful, and not significantly more difficult.

> * One student asked, "why give regular dicts a key-function like 
> sorted(), min() and max()?"  I didn't have a good answer, but I 
> haven't yet had time to read this whole thread.

The key answer is: when you want to retain the original key.

> * Another issue is that we're accumulating too many dictionary
> variants and that is making it difficult to differentiate and choose
> between them.

It shouldn't be difficult, actually, because it doesn't make sense to
"choose" at all. The use cases for OrderedDict, Counter, TransformDict
and defaultdict are completely different.

> I haven't found anyone (even in advanced classes
> with very experienced pythonistas) would knew about
> all the variations:  dict, defaultdict, Mapping, MutableMapping,
> mapping views, OrderedDict, Counter, ChainMap, andTransformDict.

Is that actually a problem?

> Overall, my impression at this point is that key transformations
> are useful, but I'm not sure how to incorporate them without
> taking Python further away from being a language "that just fits
> in your head."

The language fits in your head, but the stdlib doesn't. I don't think
it has done so for ages :-)

I'm not proposing TransformDict as a builtin, though.



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